Cozy Productivity: 5 Tips for a Zen Workday at Home
Mazajy's Lifestyle

Cozy Productivity: 5 Tips for a Zen Workday at Home

Nov 12, 2023

Since 2020, many of us have shifted our workspace to our homes. Some prefer a dedicated space like a home office or a desk corner, while others prioritize comfort and choose to work from a couch, bed, or a comfy loveseat, creating a cozy atmosphere to tackle the workday.

No matter where you choose to work from home, we have 5 tips for you to have a calm, smooth, and productive day in the place of your choice.

1- Breakfast and Coffee/Tea:

Take 30 minutes before clocking in to enjoy your breakfast and preferred beverage calmly. Avoid scrolling through your phone or watching the news. Dedicate this half-hour to replenish your energy and boost your motivation to start the day on a positive note.

2- Outfit Change:

As tempting as it is, avoid working in your pajamas. An outfit change, while keeping it comfy, can boost your energy and productivity to a whole other level.

3- Create a Specific Workspace:

This space could be anywhere you feel inspired and comfortable to work from. Just ensure it's work-friendly. Add an organizer with all your needs close by, a Lazylap if you choose to work from the couch or bed, and a monitor riser so your eyes and neck aren't strained if you work from a desk or table. Adding plants to your workspace can be a mood booster, and perhaps some speakers to play light music for added ambiance.

4- Schedule Lunch Break:

Once working hours begin, it can be consuming, and we might forget to eat or drink. Keep a filled water bottle close by to stay hydrated, a snack box for energizing, and schedule a 30-minute break to eat your lunch.

5- Stay Organized:

Being on top of your to-do lists can be helpful to stay productive while at home. Ensure you have notepads close by or sticky notes to keep track of what's to do for the day and cross it off when done to feel productive.

Those 5 tips are quick and easy to follow for a productive day at home. We'd love to know what keeps you organized while you work from home!

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